Streamlined process

Evaluate candidates skillset at an earlier stage of the hiring process, while eliminating the time consuming process of phone interviews and scheduling

Post Job

Decide set of questions you want applicants to answer and set up posting at Pixel Interview

Record Answers

Applicants are asked questions and their video response is recorded


Watch and score all of the applicant responses at your convenience

Hire or Interview

Decide to hire or bring in for interview

The more efficient way to evaluate candidates

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Resumes can't speak

Evaluate your applicant's culture fit and personaility before a face to face interview

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No more Scheduling

Skip phone scheduling and screening by sending the candidate a link to the virtual interview which they can complete on their own time

Schedule a 15 minute Demo

Explore and evaluate whether Virtual Screening and Interviewing is the right fit for you

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About Us

A Modern Recruiting Platform designed to streamline your hiring process

Useful Links

Contact Us

3551 Blair Stone Road, Suite 128-248
Tallahassee, FL 32301

(866) PIXEL 35
(866) 749 3535